What is 5G?


If we look back, We will find that in every 10-12 years one generation is advancing in the field of technology.

In 1980s                      First generation 

In 1990s                      Second generation

In 2000s                      Third generation

In 2010s                      Fourth generation 

And now 5G.

What is 5G?

5G is a fifth generation technology that's expected to provide a new frequency bands along with the wider spectral bandwidth per frequency channel which change the way people live and work.

5G network began rolling out in USA and all around the world in 2018. 5G is in their early stage, but experts say the potential is huge.

Why 5G?

This generation need high internet speed to work like for business, infrastructure and for other purpose. And 5G have that capacity it has huge network capacity with high speed. In every field internet is needed and also a fastest internet. 5G will fulfill the requirement. 

Benefits of 5G.

 5G have so many benefits like:

1) High increased peak bit rate.

2) Larger data volume per unit area. (i.e. high system spectral efficiency)

3) High capacity to allow more devices connectivity concurrently and instantaneously.

4) Lower battery consumption.

5) Better connectivity irrespective of the geographic region, in which you are.

6) Larger number of supporting devices.

7) Lower cost of infrastructural development.

8) Higher reliability of the communications.    

Some are explain below:

1) Speed upgrades

                                5G will be very faster about 10Gbps which is 100x more than 4G. To download high resolution movie of about 2:30 hours will take just 3.6 second to download. In 4G which take 6 minutes.

2) Low latency

                         Latency means time taken to send set of data from it's sources to it's receiver and then back again. So the goal of 5G has to reduce latency. It will transmit data taking less than five millisecond.

3) Cloud gaming

                             Gamers can do cloud gaming very smoothly in 5G.

 It will be more accessible than ever before. The game will be lag free.

4) Autonomous car

                                  Imagine a world where deaths by vehicles became obsolete. With 5G technology, it will possible. 5G will make car to link with smart traffic management system to exchange information such as location, speed and destination. Cars can alert drivers about a variety of road conditions and potential hazards head of time through omni-directional messaging.

5) Robotic medical advancements

                                                           5G will also play a great role in field of medical. It comes to matters of life, Just a few second can make all the difference. 5G will dissolve these problem and allow doctors to reach patients in every corner of the globe.

6) Increased Bandwidth

The combination of increased speed and network capacity on 5G networks will create the potential for larger amounts of data to be transmitted than was possible with 4G LTE networks.

5G networks are architected differently from traditional 4G networks, allowing greater optimization of network traffic and smooth handling of usage spikes. Crowded stadiums and other venues have struggled to provide seamless connectivity to large audiences, but 5G could make it possible for sports fans to live stream their experience from any seat in the arena.

How does it work.

5G signals run over new radio frequencies which required a different equipment on cell tower. Depending on type of equipment 5G carries three types of network low band network which is 20% faster than 4G, mid band network which is balance speed and coverage and high band network which has high speed but signals don't travel well and struggle to move through hard surfaces.

5G network most install tons of small cell sites (about a pizza boxes) to light poles, walls of tower.


                     There was a time of first generation technology were only phone calls were done but now here is a time of 5G were difference thing is done with internet.5G technology has not came in all country. It is in process. Soon we will enjoy the high level of 5G in upcoming days and will make our world much more faster. 


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